Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Contest Central Logo Contest - Deadline: June 22nd

Contest Central Logo Contest

It's time for Contest Central to update our logo . . . and what better way than by holding our very own logo contest!

The designer of the winning logo will receive a 5,000 L$ cash prize and eternal fame and gratitude :-D

The logo will be used in various in-world contexts such as vendors, posters, notices, profile picks, etc. and out-world including on the website, blog, Flikr group.

A winning logo design will be immediately recognizable, distinguishable from a distance, elegant, meaningful, and easily adaptable to a wide range of sizes, shapes and uses.

To enter, please e-mail your submission(s) to with the subject line "Contest Central Logo Contest - YourFirstName YourLastName". The logo should be a .jpg file, suitable for posting to Flikr. Please feel free to include a description of the logo to highlight the inspiration and key features. Important note: you must include your Flikr username within your entry email. You are welcome to enter as often as you wish with alternate designs.

Entries are due no later than 11:59pm SLT on Sunday, June 22nd.

All entries become the property of JennyH GossipGirl and Contest Central under an unlimited use license; the creator retains all rights to their work as well.

The judging panel consisting of JennyH GossipGirl, Voshie Paine, and Belle Lefavre will the select the top 10 designs (which may originate from ten or fewer designers). These 10 designs will be posted to a private Flikr group and the creators of those designs will be invited to join the group. The judging panel will then comment and give feedback via Flikr for each of the 10 finalists by Tuesday, June 24th. Taking into consideration any comments, the designers will have the opportunity to submit a revised contest entry, due no later than Sunday, June 29th at 11:59pm SLT. As with the first round, submissions must be sent via e-mail to and include a .jpg file and description, with the subject line "Contest Central Logo Contest Finalist - YourFirstName YourLastName". IN ADDITION, the finalists' submissions must include the complete .psd file containing the logo with all layers intact. The judging panel will then determine the logo contest winner.

Upon determining a winner, the designer will be notified by JennyH GossipGirl via e-mail and in-world IM. The designer will receive the 5,000 L$ cash prize and the winner will be announced via a Contest Central notice and on the Contest Central blog.

The winning logo design and .psd file shall be considered as a "work for hire" and will become the exclusive property of JennyH GossipGirl and Contest Central. The creator of the work shall retain the right to keep a backup copy and to include a flattened image of the logo in their portfolio.

Thank you and good luck!

<3 Jenny, Voshie and Belle