Monday, June 2, 2008

Vain's 10 Hottest DJ's IN SL - Dealine: July 1st

DJ's are like ' Rock Stars ' in SL, with groupies and even stalkers (gulp)! Vain would like to feature the 10 HOTTEST DJ's IN SL with your help.

Voting will be by nomination.... one nomination for each avi.

PLEASE CREATE YOUR OWN NEW NOTECARD and do the following please drop a notecard on GRACE WINNFIELD with your nominee's NAME ONLY and club they work at in the notecard and title the notecard 10 HOTTEST NOMINEE FROM **YOUR NAME**
Deadline will be July 1st 2008

The creator of the notecard should be the avatar who is sending the nomination.. I will be checking this against my transaction history to verify who sent the nc...Only one nomination per avi.